It would be my pleasure.
Like most What You See Is What You Get (WYSIWYG) editors (such as Dreamweaver or Frontpage), Makesbridge generated HTML is heavily DIV tag dependent, often using a combination of DIV and BR tags rather than the P tag to define paragraphs. This is a problem. DIV and BR tags are not properly handled by many email programs, especially Microsoft Outlook. As an example as an example of heavily DIV and BR tag dependency, let’s look at a simple paragraph. When you copy and paste a paragraph of text or type a paragraph of text into the Makesbridge WYSIWYG editor, you get the following markup
<div><br>The text of the paragraph.<br></div>
The text of the paragraph.<br><br>
depending on what surrounds that paragraph.
What you should get, and what will assure the highest quality and most consistent output is the following:
<p>The text of the paragraph.</p>
DIV tags and BR tags have their place, especially when doing specialized formatting, and are handled well by modern web browsers, but for most emails that are so-called simple copy and paste messages, you still need clean markup if you want things to look right in a wide variety of email clients. Moreover, you also have the problem that if you are pasting from a word processor (like Microsoft Word), the conversion from the internal format of that word processor to HTML results in code that is both redundantly bloated and optimized for neither e-mail nor the web, but for the conversion process. Makesbridge’s editor tries to solve this problem by including a special “Paste from Word” function. Unfortunately, the way that function works is to strip out formatting information, meaning that more often than not you will need to reformat the content you just pasted. Finally, WYSYWIG editors and other things that generate HTML code (like export functions and the built in Makesbridge editor) rely on DIV and SPAN tags and especially a wonderful web page technology called Cascading Style Sheets (or CSS). That said, our policy is that DIV and SPANs should never be used in emails, unless there is no other option and with the understanding that many clients will ignore that formatting.
This judgement is made on a two part reasoning:
DIVs and SPANs are used to impart CSS style information (positioning, fonts, colors, backgrounds, display metrics, visibility, and other styling information). Indeed they serve no other purpose except to contain structural (DIV) and inline (SPAN) CSS and Javascript information to the rendering engine.
GMail (rapidly becoming the most popular corporate mail provider), YahooMail, HotMail (the largest email provider) and most versions of Outlook (the most popular email client with more than 40% of the email reader market and no version that can even pass the CSS-1 standard suite) either intentionally ignore and discard DIVs SPANs and CSS attributes—or mishandle CSS attributes so badly as to render CSS useless. To make matters worse, some of those services and/or clients will at times discard only part of a CSS definition, ignoring the rest or modifying them to meet some internal standard. Finally, any CSS that you want to use must be repeatedly repeated because you cannot use CSS classes and ids—instead you have to put all CSS inline.
Thus, we never use DIVs or SPANs in an email unless there is no other option to achieve our client’s goals. Email containing a DIV or SPAN will receive extra scrutiny under our quality controls. We will use a subset of CSS when there is no pure HTML formatting option, with the advisory to the client that many recipients may see a different result, but make every effort to degrade gracefully and embed that CSS information in the style attribute of a tag that would otherwise be present. DIVs and SPANs are essential for modern web design. They are useless bordering on dangerous for HTML email—it’s not that they will explode, it is that they will too often disappear or the essential formatting information they contain will be ignored, disposed of, or misunderstood. The value of CSS is consistent description of web page appearance. Email clients and services are wildly inconsistent in their application of the technology DIVs